Learning an instrument has showed an increase resilience to any age-related decline in hearing.
The brain-training is big business. For companies like BrainHQ, Luminosity, and Cogmed, it’s actually a multimillion dollar business that is expected to surpass $3 billion by 2020. But, do the actually benefit your brain?
Research doesn’t believe so. In fact, the the University of Illinois determined that there’s little or no evidence that these games improve anything more than the specific tasks being trained. Luminosity was even fined $2 million for false claims.
So, if these brain games don’t work, then what will keep your brain sharp? The answer? Learning to play a musical instrument.
Why Being a Musician Is Good For Your Brain
Science has shown that musical training can change brain structure and function for the better. It can also improve long-term memory and lead to better brain development for those who start at a young age.